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Kect-Yash International Education: Unlocking Global Opportunities with Exceptional Abroad Consultancy

Kect-Yash International Education, which was formed when Kect Management Services (Private) Limited and Yash International Education joined forces. The joint venture company brings together the strengths and capabilities of both companies to create a new entity that is more powerful than either company could be on its own.

Kect Management Services (Private) Limited is a well-known provider of management services, with expertise in areas such as finance, HR, and marketing. Yash International Education, on the other hand, is a leading education consultancy firm that offers services such as study abroad programs, language training, and career counseling. By combining their resources, Kect-Yash International Education can leverage the expertise of both companies to offer a wide range of services to their clients. For example, the joint venture company can provide students with access to study abroad programs and career counseling services, while also offering support in areas such as finance and HR to ensure that their clients have all the tools they need to succeed.

The goal of Kect-Yash International Education is to provide high-quality education services to students worldwide. The joint venture aims to leverage the strengths of both companies to create a unique learning experience that is tailored to the needs of each student. Our ultimate goal is to help students achieve their academic and career aspirations by providing them with the tools they need to succeed. Kect-Yash International Education believes that every student has the potential to excel, and its mission is to help them realize that potential.

We are the number 1 institution in the country and we are providing the quality education with more that 15 years.

Our Services

We offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of our students.

Our Mission

At Kect-Yash International Education, our mission is to empower students by providing them with the necessary tools, information, and guidance to make informed decisions about their study abroad journey. We strive to ensure that every student receives personalized attention and support throughout the entire process, from choosing the right course and institution to visa assistance and pre-departure guidance.

Let’s start your journey to your career path today.